Ember Funds - Win at Limbo with this NEW STRATEGY!


Let me show you my martingale strategy with LIMBO on the Ember Fund app! 

2 Start Mining (Wait till the advertisement finishes and it will mine for 24 hours)
3 Invite as many people as you can to earn more mining power  
4 Wait until you have at least 2000 satoshis
5 Go to Games and choose Limbo
6 Now use the following strategy

The Strategy: 

Start by betting 10 Satoshis.

If you win, you repeat.
If you lose you don't increase yet just bet 10 Satoshis again. 

If you win now you bet 10 Satoshis again.
If you lose 3 times with 10 each (you will be -30) you will now start doubling your bets every time.

If you win now you return to betting 10 Satoshis.
If you lose (try to take your loss and don't blow your entire balance trying to fix it). 

But hey, that's the game right?


Multiplier 3.5x 
Win Chance 28.29%
Starting Amount 10 Sats

Minimum Balance 2000 Sats
Max Loses 7

7 Take a break every 2 minutes so the odds reset ;)  
8 Join challenges and play other games like DICE to increase your earnings!

Also check my other videos playing DICE on Ember Fund

Very fun to play this way! This is still gambling and you will eventually lose all your earnings if you don't occasionally pause. 

#earncrypto #minecrypto #martingalecrypto #playlimbo #emberfund #emberlimbo #emberdice

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